Thursday 17 December 2009

Now that bees are becoming extinct, it's time for wasps... clean up their act and start producing the honey. As we all know, because bees are good, industrious creatures they are able to produce honey. Because wasps are idle and on job seeker's allowance and have bad attitudes, they only produce marmite - which is a divisive product at best. The criminality of the wasp is best understood by its a ability to sting at will. A bee will use its sting as a last resort in defense of its hive, spelling the end of its life, whereas a wasp will sting someone because there's nothing good on television or the team they support lost at whatever it is wasps play. Rugby Union presumably.

If they can be reformed and if they can be convinced to wear tiny pollen-grabbing velcro trousers, then perhaps this once summer pest could become our saviour. And should they refuse, then they will be rounded up and trapped under pint glasses on tables outside pubs.

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